Reflection 2

I’m reading 52 reasons to hate my father:

I think this week wasn’t as interesting as last week but I still enjoyed reading it this week.

I think Luke has a right to look up to Lexi’s dad  because he has come from a bad environment and needs something to look up to. I think Lexi it over- reacting when she thinks so bad of her dad at the moment and i think she need to grow up and just do her jobs that she has been asked to do. I think her dad is doing the right thing by making Lexi working for money instead of just giving it to her.

I can’t wait to see what happens next


Reflection- Week 1

I am reading 52 reasons to hate your father.

I am enjoying this book, and I am finding it hard to stop at the chapter we are a meant to.

I think Lexie is really sour and doesn’t get the meaning and value of money. The book shows this when she crashes her car and doesn’t care because she expects her Dad to pay for it. I can relate to this because it shows little bits of my brothers personality. I think Lexie is right when she says Luke is a hottie but also agree that he is annoying. Im not sure what I would do if I was in her shoes.  I think its a good thing that her dad is making her do work and then get paid instead of just getting whatever she wants.

I can’t wait to read more and see how Lexie goes working.